
Proteinuria is a typical symptom of Diabetic Nephropathy

Proteinuria is a typical symptom of Diabetic Nephropathy. If it keeps worsening, your disease will have a quick progression to kidney failure. What is the treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy with proteinuria? After reading this article, you will find out the answer.
-Reduce high blood pressure
High blood pressure often goes together with Diabetic Nephropathy as well. When blood pressure in glomeruli is high, more protein will be oppressed out. Therefore, anti-hypertensive treatment can greatly help you improve proteinuria.
-Steroids or immunosuppressants
If Nephrotic Syndrome  occurs in your disease, you may have to start steroids or immunosuppressants to inhibit kidney inflammation and block holes in kidneys to reduce proteinuria.
-Repair kidney damage
The above treatment is only temporary medical relief. If you want to treat it from the root, you should repair kidney damage. In our hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment is often used as the main treatment. It is to take advantage of various Chinese medicine therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Navel Therapy and so on to remove massive waste products from body, making the body internal environment clean and reducing the burden of kidneys. It can also activate blood circulation to remove stasis so that blood can flow into damaged kidneys successfully. And then active ingredients of medicine, oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine can be taken into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. After about half month’s treatment, your  proteinuria will become relieved and your high blood pressure will come down and be stable. After about one month’s treatment, your kidney condition will get improved. With treatment going on, your condition will be better and better, and then protein can be retained in body. As a result, proteinuria will turn negative.
What is the treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy with proteinuria? If you are not satisfied with your current treatment, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment. But so far it is only available in China. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.



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