Why do dialysis patients suffer from swelling? Today let’s one of our
patients to tell you the reason with his own experience.
This patient suffers from kidney failure. In his own country, there are only
two treatment options. One is dialysis and the other is kidney transplant. He
has accepted his doctor’s advice to take dialysis and at the same time wait for
kidney donor. But we all know kidney donor is difficult to get.
During his dialysis period, he suffers from whole body swelling associated
with difficult breath, poor sleep quality, poor appetite and other symptoms. In
order to get better treatment, he finds our Chinese medicine treatments through
Internet. He decides to come for our magic Chinese medicine treatments.
Can I Miss One Dialysis Session
Dialysis can only help cleanse toxins temporarily but can not solve the root
problem of kidney. With the increased numbers of dialysis, his kidney metabolism
ability will become lower and lower. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease
Hospital, we give patients Chinese medicine treatments along with dialysis. That
is, Chinese medicines and dialysis combine together to treat your kidney
problem. The active ingredients in Chinese medicines can protect residual kidney
cells, supply a clean blood environment for restoring your kidneys, restore
injured but not necrotic kidney cells so as to recover part of kidney
Why Do Dialysis Patients Suffer From SwellingWhy Do Dialysis Patients Suffer
From Swelling
His swelling disappears with our Chinese medicine treatments. There are a
series of Chinese medicine therapies including Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot
Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy and Medicinal Soup, etc. Our
hospital aims to treat kidney failure from the root. When renal function is
improved, the kidneys can discharge excess fluid out. In this way, swelling goes
away radically.
Why do dialysis patients experience swelling?
There are two reasons for this condition. On one hand, dialysis will lead to
electrolyte disorder. Low albumin level will worsen your swelling. On the other
hand, there is fibrosis pathological change, causing kidney function decline. In
this condition, excess fluid in your body can not be excreted out of your body
via kidneys so that there is fluid retention building up in your body. In this
way, swelling is a sign.
From this patient’s experience, we can know although kidney disease is
difficult to be correct, it can be healed as long as you find the correct