
Can Natural Therapy Help to Reduce High Serum Creatinine Level 7.3mg/dL

Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of traditional therapy in China that are branded as "natural," including homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, in addition to diet and lifestyle counseling. Naturopathy, with some specific methods, is good at adjusting human immune system and improving kidney functions. Some patients wonder that if natural treatment can be able to reduce high serum creatinine level 7.3mg/dL? Yes, it is. In our hospital high creatinine level 7.3mg/dL can be reduced with our natural treatment.
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 421μmoI/L in Kidney Disease
When patients’ high serum creatinine level is in 7.3mg/dL, it means a lot of toxins are in your body. Without treatment, it can be dangerous for you, causing a series of complications such as digestive system problem, cardiovascular system disease and nervous system disease. In this term, your body is weak and sensitive, treatment should be temperate so naturopathy is suitable for their condition.
Foot Bath Therapy is a special therapy of traditional Chinese Therapy for reducing high creatinine level. The purpose of the therapy is to stimulate original qi in kidney meridian by using different kinds of Chinese herbal medicine. With the stimulating of Yongquan acupoint (KI 1) and Taixi acupoint (KI 3), original qi in kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin will be sufficient and flow smoothly to enter into the kidney, and then, glomerulus in the kidney can be restored.with the restored of the glomerulus, renal function is recovered step by step, high serum creatinine level will get down itself.
Moxibustion and acupuncture, they are a procedure to stimulate acupoints with medicines which are coated on special gauze. With this kind of methods, the medication can work on lesion location directly and help to promote blood circulation, transport medication through the body and maximize the effect. They aim to improve patients’ condition comprehensively, reduce the high serum creatinine level temporarily and have less or no side effect.
Reduce High Creatinine Level 4.59 in CKD with Natural Treatment
Steaming therapy is an external treatment. Using of traditional Chinese medicine into water, then heat them, use hot medical water or steam to help open and purify clogged pores and eliminate toxins. Herbs are chosen for specific complications. Several herbs are used in a course of treatment. Reducing the complications and repairing glomerulus can reduce the high serum creatinine level and restore renal function.
Full bath therapy, putting Chinese herbal medicine into a bathtub and mixed with hot water, patients lie into a bathtub. The theory of this treatment is the same as steaming therapy. But the working area is much bigger. So the effect is much stronger than foot bath. Then the toxins are eliminated sooner and high serum creatinine level declines sooner.
The limitation of steaming therapy and full bath therapy is that it can’t be used in patients with the severe cardiovascular disease. All these methods work slowly. So when you have acute kidney disease, dialysis or kidney transplant is the right choice.
The strength of all these methods to reduce high serum creatinine level 7.3mg/dl is they do not lead to nephrartia and kidney necrosis. It can improve kidney function step by step.
Can Creatinine Level 900+ Get Reduced with Natural Treatment
If you want more information about our natural treatment for high creatinine level 7.3mg/dL, please feel free to contact us.
If you want to know our characteristic treatment with natural remedy to improve kidney conditions, you can contact us through the following methods:
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