
Can Kidney Disease Be Cured Sucessfully Without Dialysis?


Many patients want to treat kidney disease naturally instead of dialysis. Here our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends Toxin-Removing Treatment to manage kidney disease with no dialysis.
Toxin-Removing Treatment is a therapy based on a series of Chinese medicine treatments such as Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Steaming Therapy and Enema Therapy, etc. They first cleanse your blood and then set up a clean blood environment for recovering renal function. When renal function is improved, it is possible for you to reduce dialysis times or even avoid dialysis.
What is Dialysis: Overview of Dialysis
The use of Chinese medicines in Toxin-Removing Treatment can remove toxins and wastes from your renal cells and blood. This is good for repairing injured kidney tissues and the application of other medications. Without a clean blood internal environment, it is not possible for you to get a good therapeutic effect.
After your blood is cleansed, Toxin-Removing Treatment can also help expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrade extracellular matrix and provide nutrients. These functions can stimulate the self-healing ability of injured kidney tissues and improve renal function gradually. Usually with Toxin-Removing Treatment for half month, your high creatinine level will be reduced 10%. After one month of treatment, your kidney function will be enhanced. Also your symptoms like nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, itchy skin, headache and swelling will be relieved greatly.



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